Recyclable Shrink Sleeves: A Game Changer for Eco-Conscious Brands

In today’s rapidly evolving market, consumers are placing an increasing emphasis on sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. 

For brands, aligning with this trend is not just an option—it’s a necessity. One of the areas where eco-conscious innovation is making significant strides is in packaging, specifically in the use of shrink sleeves for product labeling. 

Shrink sleeves, known for their 360-degree branding, coverage and versatility, have traditionally been a popular choice for brands seeking eye-catching designs that stand out on shelves and online. Unfortunately, many shrink sleeve films are not recyclable because they are incompatible with PET recycling or can contaminate PET flakes during recycling.  However, the push towards sustainability has sparked an exciting shift towards more eco-friendly options.

The Rise of Sustainable Packaging

Sustainability is no longer a buzzword—it has become a driving force behind purchasing decisions. A 2022 study by IBM found that 57% of consumers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact, and nearly 80% are willing to pay a premium for brands that demonstrate sustainability practices. 

For brands, sustainable packaging is more than just a way to appeal to a niche market; it’s a way to connect with a broad and growing consumer base.

In this context, recyclable shrink sleeves offer an effective way to meet these consumer expectations. These innovative packaging solutions maintain traditional shrink sleeves' functionality and visual appeal while significantly reducing their environmental impact.

What Are Recyclable Shrink Sleeves?

Recyclable shrink sleeves are eco-friendly alternatives to the conventional shrink sleeves used in product packaging. 

Traditional shrink sleeves are made from plastic polymers, which are not typically biodegradable and are difficult to recycle. In contrast, recyclable shrink sleeves utilize materials that are either fully recyclable, biodegradable, or made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) content. 

This shift in material usage has a profound effect on reducing waste and lowering brands' carbon footprint.

Some of the most popular materials for sustainable shrink sleeves include:

Benefits of Recyclable Shrink Sleeves

Environmental Impact:

The primary advantage of recyclable shrink sleeves is their reduced environmental impact. 

By utilizing recyclable, biodegradable, or PCR materials, brands can significantly decrease the amount of waste they generate. This is especially important in the food, beverage, personal care, and nutraceutical industries, where packaging waste is a significant concern.

Additionally, using recyclable shrink sleeves can help brands reduce their carbon footprint. Materials like PET are made from renewable resources, meaning their production emits fewer greenhouse gasses than conventional plastics. For brands committed to reducing their environmental impact, switching to recyclable shrink sleeves is a practical and impactful solution.

Compatibility with Recycling Systems:

One of the challenges of traditional shrink sleeves is that they often interfere with the recycling process. Conventional shrink sleeves can be difficult to separate from recyclable containers, leading to contamination in recycling streams. 

On the other hand, recyclable shrink sleeves are designed to be compatible with existing recycling systems.  For instance, some options allow the sleeve to be recycled directly with any PET container, while others ensure the sleeve cleanly separates from the container during recycling to improve capture rates. This compatibility makes recyclable shrink sleeves a more responsible choice for brands looking to minimize their impact on waste management systems. It also benefits consumers because, with these options, they no longer need to remove the sleeve from its container during at-home recycling.

Performance and Versatility: 

Recyclable shrink sleeves are not just environmentally friendly—they are also highly functional. These sleeves offer the same durability, printability, and design flexibility as traditional options. 

Whether a brand requires high-gloss finishes, vibrant colors, or intricate designs, recyclable shrink sleeves can deliver on all fronts without compromising performance.

Premium Label & Packaging Solutions: Your Sustainability Partner

At Premium Label and Packaging, we understand the importance of sustainability for today’s brands.  That's why we launched PLPS EARTH+®, our proprietary label and packaging line that reflects our commitment to protecting the planet. Our latest PLPS EARTH+® innovation is a line of recyclable shrink sleeves designed to help companies meet their environmental goals without sacrificing the quality and visual impact of their brand’s packaging. 

We understand that switching to recyclable packaging is challenging, which is why our experts provide end-to-end support. We’ll collaborate with your stakeholders to ensure the final product is designed for excellence and meets quality and efficiency standards, aesthetic goals, and recyclability criteria. By partnering with us, you gain access to cutting-edge packaging solutions that enhance your brand and support a greener future.


Recyclable shrink sleeves represent a game-changing innovation for brands committed to environmental responsibility. As consumer demand for eco-friendly products continues to grow, investing in sustainable packaging solutions like shrink sleeves is a win-win for your brand and the environment.

Contact us today for more information on how Premium Label and Packaging can help you switch to recyclable shrink sleeves.

Which Type of Expanded Content Labels Do I Need?

Expanded content labels (ECLs) are product labels used to add large amounts of product information to a relatively small area of product packaging. An ECL expands or extends the surface area available for adding product information on packaging. It creates several layers or pages that can be revealed and then resealed for future reference. ECLs are commonly used on products with extensive product information, including safety warnings, health, instruction use, ingredients, and more. ECL labels are efficient labeling solutions that can eliminate paper inserts and cartons while ensuring the information does not crowd your brand image.

Applications of Extended Content Labels

Today's manufacturing environment is heavily regulated by government agencies such as the FDA and OSHA. These regulatory bodies require companies to pack a lot of information onto packaging. ECLs help companies meet these requirements without taking away branding space. ECLs also come in myriads of styles, including two-ply or multi-ply, and several industries utilize them where a lot of information needs to be put in small space on a product's packaging. Some of the common applications of ECLs include pharmaceutical products, products used in clinical trials, weed control products, lubricants, pesticides, and more.

Different Types of Expanded Content Labels and Their Specific Applications

The following are the common types of expanded content labels (ECLs):

Booklet Extended Content Labels

Booklet Labels, also called multi-page, multi-ply, multi-layer, or onserted, are among the most commonly utilized labels to pack extensive information on a small label area. These labels print separately from the product label to add later to it to optimize your branding efforts. Apart from providing label design opportunities, booklet labels also help avoid costs by enabling the use of smaller labels than would have been required. Utilize booklet labels on a range of products, from government-regulated goods to everyday household products. Specifically, these labels occur in the following applications:

Foldout (Accordion, Plow-Folded) Labels

Plow folded, or foldout labels are booklets that fold into each other. Retail environments primarily utilize this where a store employee applies promotional coupons by hand. Foldout labels enable more content print onto a large piece of paper that folds before applying to pressure-sensitive label stock all in line and in one process. The folded paper is usually constructed in a manner that allows easy removability from the final product. It also allows resealing and retaining on the final product package. Foldout labels are less expensive to manufacture than other options like on-centered booklets. This is because a single process manufactures the foldouts. However, the size of the folded piece of paper limits the volume of content.

Common uses and applications of foldout labels include:

Peel & Reseal (Peel Off, Peel & Reveal, Peel Back, Resealable) Labels

Peel & Reseal labels are designed to enable the end-user to open, read the contents and reseal the label. They can take 3 to 5 panels of information within the confines of the regular prime label size. It is undeniably the ideal label for managing regulatory compliance or GHS requirements on chemical or pharmaceutical product applications. They are not only more economical to produce than booklet labels, but they are also ideal for sharp radiuses and are compatible with both auto and manual applications. Peel and reseal labels come in two types: 2-ply peel and reseal labels and 3-ply peel and reseal labels. Some of the typical uses and applications of these expanded content labels include:

Dry Release Labels

Dry release expanded content labels on a water bottle
A person peeling off a label off a bottle.

Dry release labels come with a top ply that someone can completely remove. These labels are small and simple stickers that come in different sizes, materials, and shapes. They take valuable massive information from ingredients to direction. Ideally, they allow you to print up to 3 panels worth of content onto your product. Custom printed dry release labels are invaluable to promote your product with instant savings, discounts, terms & conditions, free offers, or special features. Typical uses and applications of dry release labels include:

Prime/Booklet Combo Labels

Create Prime/Booklet Combo labels for small diameter packages which could be as small as a 1 or 2 gallon round jug. They are simple labels commonly utilized on cylindered packages to extend the printable area beyond that of the base circumferences of a cylinder. The booklet combo securely wraps onto itself while allowing for easy unwrapping without adhesive compromising the printed content. Typical uses and applications of prime/booklet Combo labels include bottles, vials, canisters, and quart/ gallon jugs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between the Types of Expanded Content Label

The following are a few factors to consider when choosing between the types of ECLs discussed above:

Contact Us for Exceptional Expanded Content Labels Today

The ideal extended content labels help you communicate as much information as you need to get across to meet regulatory requirements and optimize your branding. At PLPS, we provide all types of expanded content labels from booklets, foldouts, peel and reseal to prime/booklet combo labels. We will guide you through the label design and printing process, so you choose an option that fits your budget while matching your brand. Our unique labeling and converting capabilities allow us to produce custom converted components for a variety of product applications. Contact us today to learn more.

How to Know What Type of Booklet Label to Use

In the product packaging world, maximizing space while ensuring all necessary information is presented clearly can be challenging. This is where booklet labels come into play. These innovative labels offer a versatile solution, allowing brands to include extensive information without compromising the visual appeal of their packaging.

Understanding the benefits, types, and applications of booklet labels can significantly enhance your product's appeal and compliance, whether in the pharmaceutical, beauty, wellness, food and beverage, or chemical industry.

What Are Booklet Labels?

Booklet labels, also known as expanded content labels (ECLs), are multi-layered labels that fold out like a booklet, providing additional space for information.

They are designed to fit within the same space as a standard label but can contain multiple pages of text, diagrams, and graphics. This makes them an ideal choice for products that require detailed instructions, regulatory information, multilingual content, or promotional content.

These labels are commonly used in industries with strict labeling regulations or where there is a need to communicate a large amount of information. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, booklet labels often provide dosage instructions, warnings, and product information in multiple languages.

Benefits of Booklet Labels

Types of Booklet Labels

Booklet labels come in various formats, each tailored to specific needs and applications:

Applications of Booklet Labels

Booklet labels are incredibly versatile and can be used across a wide range of industries. Here are some common applications:

Choosing the Right Booklet Label

When selecting a booklet label for your product, consider the following factors:


Booklet labels are a powerful tool for any industry that requires extensive product information without compromising on packaging design. They provide a solution that balances regulatory compliance with branding and marketing needs, making them a smart choice for a wide range of products.

By understanding the benefits and applications of booklet labels, you can make informed decisions that enhance your product's appeal and ensure that all necessary information is conveyed effectively.

For more information on how booklet labels can enhance your product packaging, visit Booklet Labels and explore our range of customizable labeling solutions.

What Innovations in Health and Wellness Are Driving Nutraceutical Packaging Trends?

The first half of this decade has been marked by significant disruptions including pandemics, supply chain challenges, and inflationary pressures. When macroeconomic events occur, often consumers change their buying behavior and preferences. 

Nutraceutical packaging isn’t immune to these changes and new trends are emerging that will shape the future of nutraceutical packaging. 

These trends are driven by consumer interest in holistic health, self-care, multi-functional products, women's health issues, and natural solutions.

The Rise of Self-Care

In an era of economic uncertainty and global unrest, consumers are increasingly focusing on self-care to manage their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Elevated stress levels have led to a demand for solutions that address stress, anxiety, worry, and sleeplessness. 

This has resulted in the development of hybrid products that combine physical, nutritional, cognitive, and emotional benefits.

In terms of packaging, simplicity and minimalism are key. Simple brand designs that promote a sense of tranquility are highly favored. 

Additionally, sustainability is becoming increasingly important, with 68% of consumers agreeing that doing things to help the environment makes them feel happy. 

Packaging that aligns with a holistic approach to wellness and incorporates sustainable materials can resonate well with consumers.

Focus on Women's Health

Today's consumers are seeking personalized products and tailored healthcare solutions, particularly in the area of women's health. 

This trend is driven by a growing concern for women's equality and inclusivity. As a result, there is an increasing demand for healthcare solutions that target the various phases of a woman's life, from puberty to menopause.

Women's health supplements have seen significant growth, with a 14% increase in North America in 2023. Products positioned around menstruation, reproductive health, sexual health, menopause, and healthy aging are gaining popularity.

Packaging for these products needs to communicate their targeted benefits clearly and effectively to meet consumer expectations.  In addition, since there is less “embarrassment” around these topics, packaging for these products has become edgier utilizing more bold colors and designs.

Demand for Natural Products

As consumers become more aware of the effects of chemicals on their health, there is a growing demand for natural and organic products.

Herbal and traditional products are set to outperform standard over-the-counter offerings in the coming years. Consumers are also looking for "free from" claims, such as no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives.

Structural and brand design play a crucial role in communicating a product's natural attributes. Clean labeling and on-pack claims that highlight ingredient information can help differentiate products from the competition.

Sustainable and Innovative Packaging Solutions

The trend of sustainable packaging in the health and wellness industry is gaining significant momentum as consumers increasingly prioritize environmental responsibility alongside their personal health.

Companies in this sector are responding to the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions by adopting biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable packaging materials. This shift is not only driven by consumer preferences but also by stricter regulations and the desire to reduce carbon footprints. 

Innovative approaches, such as using plant-based plastics, compostable materials, and minimalistic designs, are becoming commonplace. 

By aligning their packaging strategies with sustainable practices, health and wellness brands are not only enhancing their market appeal but also contributing to the broader goal of environmental preservation.


The trends influencing nutraceutical packaging design and innovation in 2024 are shaped by a holistic approach to health and wellness. 

Consumers are seeking products that address their physical, mental, and emotional needs, with a focus on self-care, multi-functionality, women's health, and natural solutions. 

Packaging that aligns with these trends, incorporating simplicity, sustainability, and clear communication of benefits, will resonate well with consumers and drive growth in the nutraceutical industry.
If you want to stay attuned to these trends and leverage innovative packaging solutions, get in touch with a member of our team today.

Understanding the Impact of Recent Beauty Trends on Custom Beauty Labels

In the beauty industry, staying ahead of trends is crucial for brands looking to capture consumer attention and loyalty. One of the key elements in achieving this is through effective and appealing packaging, particularly custom beauty labels.

As an expert in label & packaging solutions, we understand the profound impact that recent beauty trends have on the design, material choice, and functionality of beauty labels. In this blog post, we delve into these trends and explore how they shape the future of custom beauty labels.

The Rise of Clean Beauty

One of the most significant trends in the beauty industry is the rise of clean beauty. Consumers are increasingly demanding products that are free from harmful chemicals and ethically sourced. This shift has a direct impact on custom beauty labels, which must now convey the purity and safety of the product.

Design Implications:

Material Choices:

The Influence of Social Media and Influencers

Social media platforms, particularly Instagram and TikTok, play a pivotal role in shaping beauty trends. Influencers and beauty gurus have the power to make a product go viral, and the packaging must be 'Instagrammable' to capture attention in a highly visual medium.

Design Implications:

Material Choices:

Customization and Personalization

Consumers are increasingly looking for products that feel unique and tailored to their individual preferences. Customization and personalization in beauty products are driving brands to rethink their labeling strategies.

Design Implications:

Material Choices:

The Demand for Inclusivity and Diversity

Inclusivity and diversity are no longer optional in the beauty industry; they are expected. Brands are expanding their product lines to cater to a wider range of skin tones, hair types, and beauty needs.

Design Implications:

Material Choices:


The impact of recent beauty trends on custom beauty labels is profound and multifaceted. From the rise of clean beauty and the influence of social media to the demand for customization and inclusivity, these trends are reshaping how beauty brands approach their packaging.

As a leader in Label & Packaging Solutions, we are committed to staying at the forefront of these trends, providing innovative and tailored solutions that help beauty brands stand out in a competitive market.

By understanding and adapting to these trends, brands can create custom beauty labels that not only attract and engage consumers but also align with their values and expectations. The future of beauty labels is dynamic and ever-changing, and we are here to help you navigate and thrive in this exciting landscape.

For more information on our services, contact our Premium Label & Packaging Solutions team today!

Approaching Sustainable Packaging In The Pharmaceutical Packaging Industry

In the intricate web of modern healthcare, pharmaceutical packaging often remains unsung, yet it plays a critical role in preserving the integrity of essential medicines. Traditionally, the industry has relied on plastic for its reliable qualities—sterility, durability, and chemical inertness. 

However, as the world shifts its view on plastic, driven by growing concerns over plastic waste, stricter environmental regulations, and evolving public attitudes, the pharmaceutical sector is under increasing pressure to find sustainable packaging solutions that align with its commitment to patient health.

One solution gaining traction is the use of Post-Consumer and Pre-Consumer Regrind (PCR). PCR gives discarded plastics a new purpose by repurposing recycled plastics from various sources, including end-users and production waste, to create innovative packaging. 

As environmental awareness takes precedence, PCR offers a practical way to reduce the environmental footprint of pharmaceutical packaging without compromising the core objective of ensuring patient safety.

This article delves into the practical aspects of PCR materials in pharmaceutical packaging, exploring their benefits and challenges and why a demand-driven, responsible, and pragmatic approach is essential in the pursuit of sustainability. 

This journey is about finding pragmatic ways to address the environmental impact of pharmaceutical packaging, making it less wasteful without sacrificing the industry’s primary commitment to patient well-being.

What are PCR Materials, and How Can They Benefit the Environment?

Pre-consumer regrind, or post-industrial recycled (PIR) material, consists of manufacturer waste, such as off-cuts, trimmings, and rejects, repurposed to create recycled packaging or products. Post-consumer regrind, on the other hand, is consumer waste diverted from landfills and used in the production of plastic packaging or products.

The PCR market is being driven by growing consumer awareness about environmental issues and the increasing rise in petroleum prices. This surge in demand for PCR globally has many businesses eager to embrace this innovation.

The benefits of PCR make it even more attractive despite its sustainability benefits, such as reducing waste, lowering the carbon footprint of manufacturing, and promoting a circular economy. For example, PCR reduces manufacturer costs as fewer, more expensive virgin materials are needed in production.

Investment in sustainable packaging also offers financial benefits. Due to rising demand and lower manufacturing costs, businesses are likely to enjoy a higher ROI. Furthermore, cost-cutting in manufacturing will benefit healthcare services. 

Gaining favor with environmentally concerned customers benefits a business’s brand, earning them a reputation for commitment to long-term sustainability and prioritizing customers’ needs. However, necessary and stringent regulations within the pharmaceutical industry mean virgin plastic cannot be entirely ruled out due to the need to safeguard patient safety and medicine integrity. However, PCR provides a way for the pharmaceutical industry to reduce and address its contribution to the plastics crisis.

Considerations, Limitations, and a Responsible Approach

Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry is among the top global contributors to pollution. It finds itself balancing stringent health and safety requirements set by regulatory bodies and the expectations of environmentally concerned consumers.

While other industries enjoy the freedom to prioritize design, aesthetics, and sustainability in their packaging, the pharmaceutical industry must maintain health and safety standards as the utmost priority. This presents an ever-present challenge. PCR-derived packaging has limitations, including compromised quality, process inconsistencies, application limitations, and contamination, all inhibiting its viability as a universally suitable packaging solution.

In the pharmaceutical context, this potential lack of “purity” in PCR means the material’s background is undetermined or traceable. This uncertainty limits its use for various pharmaceutical products, such as those injected into the bloodstream.

Although PCR materials are a trending solution to the plastics crisis, supply shortages are a thorn in the side of manufacturers. Many people are unaware of how to properly recycle plastics, including pharmaceutical packaging. In fact, about 699,999 tons of plastic are thrown away instead of being recycled each week in the US. This lack of public awareness contributes to the mounting global plastic crisis and creates a supply shortage for PCR manufacturers.

Addressing these knowledge gaps through comprehensive public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives is paramount to bridging the gap between demand and supply for PCR. Furthermore, contamination of recyclable plastics renders the waste useless as it cannot be used to create PCR. Contaminants come in the form of food scraps and oils, and even labels that have not been adequately removed before recycling.

The PCR supply shortage means businesses too focused on riding the popular recycled materials trend risk adversely affecting the environment, which is counterproductive. The use of PCR must be responsibly governed with sustainability in mind. The waste hierarchy calls for prioritizing the prevention of waste rather than having to deal with waste. Sustainability needs to be reimagined at the earliest stages of design, incorporating reuse and recycling methods such as PCR.

Partially recycled packaging, such as medicine bottles made of 30 percent recycled plastic, still positively contributes to the battle against plastic pollution and has some advantages over 100 percent recycled packaging.

Enhancing Regulatory Collaboration for Sustainable Packaging

As the pharmaceutical industry embarks on the journey towards more sustainable packaging solutions through the integration of PCR, regulatory collaboration is crucial. Ensuring that new materials comply with stringent health and safety standards while meeting environmental objectives is a delicate balancing act. Concerns about contamination and inconsistencies in PCR for medicinal packaging must be addressed. Industry stakeholders and regulators can develop protocols and quality assurance measures to ensure the reliability and safety of PCR in pharmaceutical packaging.

Pharmaceutical companies need to work closely with regulatory bodies to establish clear guidelines and standards for using PCR in packaging. This collaboration is pivotal in overcoming the hurdles associated with the adoption of recycled materials in an industry where patient safety is non-negotiable. Developing industry-specific guidelines and standards for PCR use, testing, and quality assurance could mitigate some of the issues currently facing the adoption of recycled materials.

Although there is a long way to go, growing commitment and continued investment in sustainability research mean the future of a cleaner pharmaceutical packaging industry is hopeful.


To learn more about Premium Label & Packaging Solution's Pharmaceutical Packaging solutions –which include compostable and recyclable flexible packaging, recyclable shrink sleeves, thinner liners and substrates – visit our website today and discover how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals.

Understanding Graphic Measures International

Graphic Measures International (GMI) is a pivotal organization in the printing and packaging industry, established in 2009 by a coalition of printing and packaging experts. GMI was created to introduce a uniform set of quality standards for packaging production, ensuring that brand owners could maintain high-quality packaging throughout their supply chains. These standards cover structure, graphics, print quality, and other crucial characteristics that uphold brand integrity.

The Significance of GMI Certification

Over the years, major retailers such as Home Depot, Target, CVS, and Walgreens have mandated that GMI-certified printers produce their in-house brand packaging. This requirement spans thousands of products, particularly in the personal care and nutraceutical sectors, ensuring a consistent and high-quality appearance of products on a global scale.

How GMI Certification Works

GMI’s certification process encompasses all aspects of package manufacturing for consumer-packaged goods manufacturers, retailers, and brand owners. Beyond printer certification, GMI offers on-site monitoring, in-store assessments, and training services. GMI meticulously monitors and reports each aspect of a print job, including paper, color, cut, fold, and even toxicity.

The certification process is grounded in ISO 12647 standards, which dictate the printing process guidelines. GMI builds upon these standards by introducing a comprehensive scoring system. Brands can specify which printing aspects they want to monitor, and GMI sets the parameters for each metric. During or after a print job, GMI tests samples and scores each metric based on deviations from the set tolerance. The scoring system ranges from 0 to 3:

Throughout the printing process, printers send sample sheets to GMI for testing. If the samples pass, the packaging is produced and shipped to the vendor. Post-production, GMI often conducts in-store measurements to ensure consistency.  Since vendors pay GMI for each submission, GMI verifies that printing and product totals align.

Achieving and Maintaining GMI Certification

Earning GMI certification is a rigorous process that involves comprehensive on-site audits focusing on graphics and color management, press quality (registration, trapping, die-line accuracy, finishing), and quality assurance (process implementation, audits, traceability, barcode readability, and non-compliance protocols).

Maintaining GMI certification requires continuous effort. Converters must implement protocols to ensure consistency in each printed product before delivery to customers. GMI certification includes three levels to distinguish printers:

The Impact of GMI on the Industry

The certification process is not just a formality; it significantly impacts the cost and quality of print jobs. Typically, GMI certification can add about 15% to the cost of any print job. Despite this additional cost, the benefits of working with a GMI-certified printer are substantial. Of the over 10,000 US-based label printers, only 219 are GMI certified, and a mere five have achieved platinum status, including PLPS Deer Park.

The Value of GMI Certification

Even for projects that do not explicitly require a GMI-certified printer, working with one ensures a level of excellence that can be critical for brand integrity. “We are proud of our GMI Certification because it recognizes the quality we strive to achieve every day,” says Leslie Gurland, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at PLPS. “Whether a company requires a GMI printer or not, color consistency has always been an area of expertise for us. All of our customers are extra secure in knowing that we print to specific numbers and standards, not a subjective set of rules,” she adds.


In the competitive world of packaging and printing, GMI certification stands as a benchmark for quality and consistency. It ensures that brand owners can trust their packaging to maintain its integrity and appeal across all markets. For more information on our services or to work with a GMI-certified printer, contact our Premium Label & Packaging Solutions team today!

Planet-Friendly Packaging: A Focus on Flexible Packaging

In today's environmentally conscious world, the demand for sustainable packaging solutions is more prominent than ever. 

A staggering 73% of millennials are willing to pay a premium for products that promise sustainability, a trend underscored by a Nielsen study. Recognizing this shift, major corporations such as L'Oréal and Nestlé have not only acknowledged the importance of eco-friendly packaging but have also committed to achieving significant environmental goals in the near future. 

Amidst this green wave, the flexible packaging market is experiencing robust growth, but how does it align with the sustainability objectives these big brands are setting?

The Sustainability Edge of Flexible Packaging

Despite the prevalence of plastic in flexible packaging, it offers several eco-friendly advantages over traditional rigid packaging options.

1. Reduced Material Usage

Flexible packaging stands out for its efficiency in material usage. It requires up to 60% less plastic than its rigid counterparts and conserves other resources during its production process, such as water and fossil fuels. This minimalistic approach lessens material waste and supports a more sustainable production lifecycle.

2. Lower Carbon Footprint

Since flexible packaging demands less raw material, the energy required to transform it into finished products is considerably lower. This reduction in energy consumption directly translates into decreased greenhouse gas emissions, thereby lowering the overall carbon footprint associated with manufacturing and transportation.

3. Enhanced Transportation Efficiency

Logistically, flexible packaging offers substantial benefits. Typically shipped flat or on rolls, it allows for a more compact packaging solution, enabling more products to be transported per shipment compared to rigid packaging. This efficiency reduces the need for multiple transportation resources, leading to lower energy consumption and fewer emissions. The optimization of shipping space and reduction in the number of trucks and pallets needed contribute significantly to environmental conservation efforts.

4. Decreased Landfill Impact

When it comes to disposal, flexible packaging requires less landfill space than many alternatives, accounting for only 4 percent of the materials found in landfills. This reduced footprint is crucial in minimizing the environmental impact of discarded packaging materials.

5. Recycling and Compostability Innovations

The realm of flexible packaging has seen remarkable advancements in terms of recyclability and compostability. Innovations include the development of recyclable materials made entirely from Polyethylene (PE) films. Moreover, the industry has introduced compostable packaging options that are fully biodegradable. However, caution is advised with these materials, especially for products containing creams, liquids, and oils, as they may not provide an adequate barrier, potentially compromising product integrity and safety.

Challenges and Considerations

While flexible packaging offers numerous environmental benefits, there are challenges to consider, particularly regarding the recycling and composting infrastructure. Not all regions are equipped to handle recyclable or compostable materials effectively, which can hinder the full realization of their environmental benefits. Furthermore, the functionality of these materials with certain product types remains a hurdle, necessitating ongoing research and innovation to broaden their applicability without sacrificing protection and quality.

The Future of Packaging

The future of packaging lies in the balance of innovation, sustainability, and practicality. As more companies and consumers push for environmentally responsible solutions, the packaging industry must continue to evolve. This involves improving the sustainability of materials and changes to the infrastructure needed to support recycling and composting on a broader scale.

Ready To Go Green With Your Packaging?

The shift towards sustainable flexible packaging is a significant step forward in the collective effort to protect our planet. As consumers increasingly favor eco-conscious products and as companies set ambitious environmental goals, the role of innovative packaging solutions becomes ever more critical. 

Whether you're a business looking to transition to greener packaging options or a consumer interested in supporting sustainable practices, the journey toward a more sustainable future is a shared endeavor.

Are you ready to make a positive impact? Contact us today to request a quote or to receive samples of our award-winning work.

Collaborating with a Label Designer: 10 Essential Tips for a Successful Outcome

Designing a label can be a transformative step for your product, capturing the brand's essence and attracting customers. If you're planning to create a label for your product—be it a bottle, jar, pouch, tube, or can—working with a professional graphic designer is pivotal. Here are ten comprehensive tips to guide you through this creative journey, ensuring a seamless collaboration and an outstanding design outcome.

1. Select the Right Designer

The first step is crucial: choosing a designer whose portfolio resonates with your aesthetic and brand vision. Look for designers with a strong background in packaging design, as they will bring specialized knowledge and insights that are critical to your project. Engage with designers who have experience creating labels and understand the nuances of packaging aesthetics.

2. Craft a Detailed Creative Brief

A well-defined creative brief is your roadmap. It should clearly outline your project's objectives, desired style, and any specific artwork or effects you admire on other labels. This document ensures that you and your designer are aligned from the outset, setting the stage for a productive collaboration.

3. Define Your Brand's Visual Elements

Communicate your preferred colors, fonts, and visual elements early in the process. If you're undecided, a skilled designer can suggest options that align with your brand's personality and market positioning. Examples of labels you like can also help the designer capture your aesthetic preferences.

4. Specify Mandatory Content

Be clear about what text, logos, and images need to be included on the label. Providing finalized content upfront can significantly streamline the design process and minimize the need for multiple revisions.

5. Choose Your Container

This is one of the most important decisions you will make, as it will ultimately define a large part of the design.  For example, with flexible packaging or shrink sleeves there is a much larger area to be designed versus typical pressure sensitive labels.

6. Decide on Label Type and Shape

Consider the type of label that best suits your packaging. Whether it’s a traditional pressure sensitive label, a shrink sleeve, or flexible packaging. Each choice impacts the design approach.  Also, what are the dimensions and shape of your container? Accurate measurements are essential to ensure the label fits perfectly and enhances the container’s shape. 

7. Embrace Transparency

With the trend towards clean labels gaining traction, consider how much of your product you want visible. Transparent labels can create a sleek, modern look that showcases the quality of the product itself.

8. Trust the Design Process

Once the designer understands your vision, give them the space to create. They will likely present several design concepts for you to review. Remember, you’ve hired a professional for their expertise, so remain open to new ideas and innovations they might suggest.

9. Provide Constructive Feedback

When reviewing designs, be specific with your feedback. Avoid vague comments and, instead, provide clear, actionable input. For example, if a font doesn’t suit your brand, suggest an alternative style, or if the color scheme isn’t working, explain why and what you envision instead.

10. Collaborate on the Finishing Touches

Now that you are close to production, it’s time to hire a printer to achieve your vision. Finding an experienced printer who will recommend the appropriate stocks, films, adhesives, and coatings is essential. Inexperienced printers may not have the technical expertise to choose the right combinations to avoid labels that peel off or ink that runs or smears.  Work closely with your designer and printer to select the best printing techniques, materials, and finishes to bring your label to life. Whether it’s metallic inks, embossing, or spot varnishes, these details will elevate the final product and allow it to stand out on shelves.

Ready To Upgrade Your Packaging?

Creating a compelling label design is critical to your product’s marketing strategy. By following these tips, you can ensure a fruitful collaboration with your label designer and printer to achieve a design that truly represents your brand. Remember, a well-designed label conveys your brand’s message and plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers.

For those ready to take their labels to the next level, contact us today to request a quote or to receive samples of our award-winning work.

Competing In A Crowded Market Calls For Leveling Up Your Nutraceutical Packaging

The global nutraceutical packaging market was already booming prior to Covid. Post-pandemic, overall sales grew from $3.76 billion in 2022 to a whopping $4.03 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow to $5.13 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 6.2%.

Choice is typically thought of as a plus for consumers, but in this case, the nutraceutical aisle is teetering on becoming an overwhelming experience. Coupled with a growing e-commerce business for the category, which in the US alone has grown 10.7% per year since 2018, packaging has become paramount to driving consumer purchase.

Now, savvy marketers must ensure that their packaging stands out on brick-and-mortar store shelves on traditional media platforms like Amazon and consider social media influencer recognition.  

Premium Label & Packaging Solutions (PLPS) works with many top brands in the category, including Nature’s Bounty, Quinol, Centrum, and more. In recent years, they have seen a surge in complex label designs and specialty effects.  The award-winning converter, who recently took first place at the 31st Annual Gold Leaf Awards for Best Use of Cold Foil, says label embellishments are key to capturing market share in this competitive space.

Label embellishments are produced using various techniques, including varnishes, laminations, substrates, and specialty equipment. Glitter, holographic, metallic, high-gloss spot and tactile coatings, and other effects have risen to the top of today’s packaging trends.  Creative converters with expertise in this area have even created their own proprietary textures and finishes, such as leather and snakeskin.

PLPS's VP of Sales and Marketing, Leslie Gurland, says, “Sometimes, the packaging industry has not caught up to a designer’s imagination, so we like to collaborate with our customers to take their designs up a notch. Breakthrough nutraceutical packaging and labeling is about daring to be different while still maintaining the compliance required in the nutraceutical industry.”

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PLPS recently took first place at the 31st Annual Gold Leaf Awards for Best Use of Cold Foil. At first glance, the label's black background with red inverted triangles design looks simple, but the visual reveals a spectacular 3D kaleidoscope effect when it hits the light. Multiple processes were used to achieve the look. First, the black and red ink was laid down, followed by a holographic Pillars of Light cold foil and a second coat of black and white ink. Finally, the web was turned to apply a silk screen UV to the red triangles to amp up the dimension.

Ready To Upgrade Your Packaging?

Ready to level up your labels? Contact us today to request a quote or to receive samples of our award-winning work.